When: Regular Chapter meetings are typically held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Doors open at 11:30 am for socializing and lunch. Chapter updates and presentations begin around noon. Online hosting using Microsoft Teams begins around 11:45 am.
Costs: meeting costs, including meals, for regular chapter meetings are included in the annual membership fee. First-time guests may attend for free. Non-members can pay $25 to attend a meeting in-person or $15 online. Students pay $5 to attend in-person or online. For more information or to register, visit Upcoming Events on the CiHRG home page and click on an event for more details.
How: For information on joining CiHRG, visit our Membership page.
Where: Meetings are held at OSF Heart of Mary Medical Center Auditorium, 1400 W Park St. in Urbana unless otherwise noted. To find the Auditorium, go through the main entrance and past the information desk. Walk through the double doors. The Auditorium is immediately on your left (look for signage). Parking is free in the south parking lot on Park Street.