Central Illinois Human Resources Group


Call for Speakers:  Share Your Knowledge

CIHRG SHRM invites you to share your knowledge and expertise with our community of HR professionals. Our programs include hour long roundtable discussions, in-depth workshops, educational sessions, and conference keynotes.  

  • All of our events should be interactive and engaging, so we strongly recommend you keep this in mind when designing your presentation and presentation title.
  • Our presenters benefit from speaking in front of a diverse, local group of HR professionals.
  • Fill out the speaker form below and submit. If you have questions, please email cihrg1@gmail.com.
  • Once this form is submitted, our Professional Development Chair will review the information and contact you with any questions.

Note:  Preference is given to active CIHRG and/or SHRM members.

PO Box 7291, Champaign, IL. 61826-7291



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