Central Illinois 
Human Resources Group

Bonus Session: Health Alliance is Going Away? Now What??

  • Tuesday, March 25, 2025
  • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM (CDT)
  • OSF: Conference Room B (use main entrance): 1400 W Park St, Urbana and Teams


Registration is closed

Health Alliance is Going Away? Now What??
Navigating the Health Alliance Network Transition:
What Employers Need to Know

**This is a CiHRG BONUS Meeting**

Tuesday, March 25, 2025 Lunch at 11:30 am, program starts at noon.

Please RSVP by Tuesday, March 18 to ensure appropriate meal counts.

CiHRG will still hold the March 11th monthly meeting (Leadership from the Heart: Inspiring with Passion). This March 25th meeting is in addition to provide members and employers crucial information due to the news about Health Alliance. Please join us!

Presentation Description

With Health Alliance exiting the Carle network, with the exception of Medicare plans, employers in Central Illinois face critical decisions about their health plan strategies for 2026 and beyond. This session will provide a strategic roadmap to help HR leaders assess their options, understand the impact of network change on fully insured and self-funded plans, and provide a rubric for evaluating alternative networks.  Please join us to ensure that you are proactive, informed, and prepared.

Presenter Bio

Heather Acerra is a group benefits consultant with Cottingham and Butler. Her focus is helping employers design plans to attract and retain employees in a cost effective manner. Heather utilizes a consultative and data-driven approach to help employers with benefit plan design, wellness program design, cost containment strategies, compliance, employee communications, compensation plan design, engagement/culture diagnostics and more. Heather has over twenty years of Human Resource experience including compensation consulting, staffing and employee engagement, and leadership of human resource organizations in industries from insurance to industrial labor outsourcing. Heather is passionate about education and serves on the Executive Advisory Board at NEIU’s Business School and is the College Relations Chair for the Oakbrook HRA Board. She and her husband invented an award-winning educational toy called Lux Blox. Founding a small business which manufactures and distributes domestically and internationally has provided her with first-hand experience of the challenges and excitement of today’s marketplace.

    Event Location: OSF & Teams

    Meeting will be at the OSF Heart of Mary Medical Center. When arriving though the main entrance, go past the information desk and walk through the double doors on the left. The Auditorium will be immediately on your left.

    PO Box 7291, Champaign, IL. 61826-7291



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